Seniors events and dates for 2025

Here are the latest details and dates for the main seniors events in 2025. Please note that qualification for most seniors events states that you must reach the age requirement within the calendar year of the event, e.g. to play in a 50+ event you must be aged 50 by the end of that calendar year and likewise for the 65+ age group. In date order, the main seniors events are as follows …

World Senior Team Chess Championships (WSTCC)
16th – 27th February, Prague, Czech Republic. This has now been confirmed and will take place at the Olympic Hotel complex. The official invitation is available at The registration deadline is 1st January 2025, so anyone interested in playing in one of the England teams should register their interest with Nigel Povah as soon as possible at

European Senior Team Chess Championships (ESTCC)
The European Chess Union have just announced that this will now take place on 4th-14th April, in Swidnica in Poland.  Details about the event can be found at and the closing deadline for entries is 4th March 2025, so anyone interested in playing in one of the England teams should register their interest with Nigel Povah as soon as possible at

Guildford FIDE Seniors Weekend Congress
The 3rd Guildford FIDE weekend Congress takes place on 25 – 27th April at Surrey University, Guildford and it will include a 60+ Seniors section, which is probably the first-ever seniors weekend event to be held in the UK.  Please see the following link for further details – Please direct any queries or correspondence to

English Seniors Chess Championships
The English Seniors Championships usually takes place around May but there are no further details at this stage.

British Seniors Chess Championships
The British Chess Championships are likely to take place in late July early August, with two separate 7-round seniors events (50+ and 65+) but there are no further details at this stage.

European Senior Chess Championships (ESCC)
The European Senior Chess Championship 2025 will be held in Porec, Croatia in September/October but there are no further details at this stage.

World Senior Chess Championships (WSCC)
FIDE has announced that this will take place in Galipoli, Italy from 20 October to 2nd November.  There are no further details at this stage.