Teams for the WSTCC in Prague (as at 6/3/20)

These are the teams for the World Senior Team Chess Championships, taking place in Prague with playing days 6th-14th March 2020. We are sending 6 GMs. They are still subject to amendment, based on the new ECF Grading List; the March FIDE Rating List; the input of the Senior Selectors; new entries; and late withdrawals. If you wish to play, please complete the following form as soon as possible —

50+ Team 1
GM James Plaskett; GM Keith Arkell; GM Mark Hebden; GM Glenn Flear (Captain); GM Neil McDonald

[Neil McDonald by Ray Morris-Hill]

50+ Women’s Team
WGM Sheila Jackson; WGM Dr Jana Bellin; WIM Ingrid Lauterbach; WFM Petra Nunn (Captain); Helen Frostick

[Sheila Jackson by John Saunders; Jana Bellin from 100 Masters; Ingrid Lauterbach by Ray Morris-Hill]

50+ Team 2
Clive Frostick; Paul Lawrence; CM Tim Thurstan; Nigel White; Jeremy Fraser-Mitchell (Captain), CM Paul Lawrence

65+ Team 1
FM Tony Stebbings; Mark Page; Kevin Bowmer; Paul Habershon; Mick Stokes (Captain)

65+ Team 2
Julian Farrand; Brian Valentine (Captain); William Ingham; Brian Ewart; Thomas Goldrick

— Stewart Reuben