In the notice calling for nominations circulated on 27th August, I said that I would update delegates on Alex Longson’s decision to continue or not in his current role as Finance Director.
Alex has decided to stand again for the position of Finance Director, but probably only for one year. Also, if a suitable candidate wished to undertake the role and stand this October he would consider not standing. He advises me that the accounts for the year ended 31st August 2024 is largely completed and that he would continue to undertake the administration of the DCMS work until it expires in April next year. During that time he would be available to onboard a new Finance Director.
So, we have a candidate for one year, but if anyone wishes to undertake the role there is an opportunity this October to stand for election. I encourage members to consider whether they might wish to consider the role or if they know of someone would wish to undertake this role to propose a nomination. Nominations must be made by 19th September to the Chair of Council Email: If you wish for further information on the role please contact Alex Longson Email: or Stephen Woodhouse, Non-Executive Chair of the Board Email:
— David Eustace, Chair of Council