FM and WFM Title Achievements – updated!

Congratulations to Stanley Badacsonyi (top, left) on achieving his FM title at the age of 14 years and 11 months. Well done Stanley! Stanley joins (below, from left to right) FM Sohum Lohia, WFM Zoe Varney, WFM Bodhana Sivanandan, WFM Ruqayyah Rida and WFM Kamila Hryshchenko, all of whose titles were awarded this year.

BREAKING NEWS — Congratulations also to Elis Dicen (top, right) who at 13 years and 9 months is now a WFM – well done Elis!

Picture of Stanley by Melinda Wilde –; picture of Elis by Dennis Dicen; picture of Ruqayyah courtesy of Colchester CC/Maria Catabay; pictures of Sohum, Zoe and Bodhana by Brendan O’Gorman