2024-25 Northern Counties Open Team Championship
A one-day jamboree for Northern Counties Open teams of 12 players each. Hutton Pairings will be used. Games will be FIDE-rated, players need to be ECF Gold members.
A one-day jamboree for Northern Counties Open teams of 12 players each. Hutton Pairings will be used. Games will be FIDE-rated, players need to be ECF Gold members.
Monthly blitz tournament, 7 rounds Swiss. Time control: 3 mins plus 2 seconds per move. Enter by email to: timpeterwall@gmail.com, cash entries accepted on the day. Chess Results page: https://chess-results.com/Tnr980157.aspx?lan=1
Cheshire and North Wales is pleased to host this FIDE rated 6 round open event in the new Altitude Suite at the 4* Cheadle Village Hotel. International Arbiter Matthew Carr…
Weekend event comprising Open (FIDE rated) , Major (U1901) and Minor (U1676) sections Website will be updated to enable entries in the New Year.
Nine-round FIDE-rated Congress, with three Swiss tournaments: Open (eligible for title norms), Challengers (Under 2000 FIDE) and Major (Under 1700). PLus 2 title norm round robin tournaments: GM Invitational &…
Hull & East Riding Rapid Play 2025 Sunday 5th January 2025 6-Round Rapid tournament – FIDE and ECF rated Open, u1900, u1600 and u1300. Total prize money: £1,600. Web/online entry:…
Open to all juniors. 4 ability sections: Major and player 9above 1400 recommended). Intermediate Below 1450 Minor below 1000 Novice: Ungraded or first season Trophies for top 5 in each….
Email: info@northumbriamasters.com Web: https://newcastlechessclub.com/ Newcastle Chess Club FIDE-rated Blitz Grand Prix. A total of five 7-round Swiss blitz tournaments on the first Tuesday of each month (August, September, October, November…
Email: info@northumbriamasters.com Web: https://newcastlechessclub.com/ Newcastle Chess Club FIDE-rated Blitz Grand Prix. A total of five 7-round Swiss blitz tournaments on the first Tuesday of each month (August, September, October, November…
Email: info@northumbriamasters.com Web: https://newcastlechessclub.com/ Newcastle Chess Club FIDE-rated Blitz Grand Prix. A total of five 7-round Swiss blitz tournaments on the first Tuesday of each month (August, September, October, November…
Email: info@northumbriamasters.com Web: https://newcastlechessclub.com/ Newcastle Chess Club FIDE-rated Blitz Grand Prix. A total of five 7-round Swiss blitz tournaments on the first Tuesday of each month (August, September, October, November…
The UK Blitz Championships for 2024 will follow the format used in previous years events with eight regional one-day qualifier events over three weekends from 21st September to 6th October…
Open (FIDE Rated), Major, Minor and Foundation Sections for the 60th celebration of Northumberland’s weekend congress. £2,200 in prizes. Great playing venue close to local amenities. Join us – you’re…