Junior Team Challenge 2021/22
We hope to be able to run a number of National Schools Junior Team Challenge local events, either face-to-face or as online events. If you could run a local face-to-face event, please get in contact with me, Phill Beckett, at phillipbeckett@yahoo.com.
Regional Finals
Nottingham High School (8/3/22) at 4.00pm.
Contact: Ed Jones Email: jones.e@nottinghamhigh.com
Result of the event 5th February at Kings College School
Qualifiers Kings College and Wilsons
Full results can be seen at JTCC | The ECF League Management System – ecflms.org.uk
Results of the event at Notts HS
Notts HS qualify
Detailed results can be seen here – https://ecflms.org.uk/lms/node/96373/table
Extra Fixtures
7th March at Wilsons School
Contact Neil Cooper for further details Email: nsc@wilsonsschool.sutton.sch.uk
24th March at Brentwood School
Contact Robin Slade for further details Email: chelmsfordjuniorchess@gmail.com
5th April at RGS Newcastle
From 4.10pm to 7.00pm
Contact David Eggleston Email: dje567@hotmail.co.uk
National Final – report
The final took place as scheduled at Kings College School in Wimbledon. We are grateful to our hosts for the provision of an excellent playing area, team rooms and (perhaps most popular with the players) an outside area to play football when they were not playing. As the teams arrived they had a series of chess problems, which as ever proved popular, although some teams seemed reluctant to put their solutions down on paper!
The nine finalists were faced with a daunting all-play-all of nine rounds with each team playing eight matches and having one bye. The first round was scheduled for a 10.30 start and this proved to be a hard-fought round, where several of the games ran over! All the strongest teams won, with varying degrees of ease, and it soon became apparent that Kings and Wilsons schools were likely to be contenders …
And so it turned out, with their clash in round 7 likely to be the decider and with Wilson’s securing a narrow 2.5-1.5 victory (after a few scares). In the end Wilsons came first, Kings second and Brentwood third (the scoring was game rather than match points)
Detailed results may be found here – https://ecflms.org.uk/lms/node/97742/efixtures
Schools Team Problem Solving 2021/22
Schools are invited to submit solutions to the problems. There will be a minimum of two rounds and a third round for high scoring teams (which may be in person or online). Entries should be sent from a school email address to Phill Beckett Email: deputy.manager.schools@englishchess.org.uk
Second round
The closing date is the end of March. The link to the problems is here – Team Solving Problems 2
30 – Manchester Grammar, Sevenoaks, St Thomas Boleter, Wilsons, St Pauls, Camp Hill Boys
25 – Skinners
Leader Board
60 Manchester Grammar, Sevenoaks, St Thomas Boleter, Wilsons, St Pauls, Camp Hill Boys
55 Skinners
First round results
30 – Skinners, Deccan Academy, Oundle, St Pauls, Sevenoaks, St Johns Cardiff, St Illtyds RC School, Cardiff Academy, Cheadle Hulme, Westcliffe School, Wilson’s School, St Thomas Boleter, Manchester Grammar, Camp Hill Boys
25 – St Andrews, Hammersmith, Ystrad Mynach, Sutton Grammar, Kendrick School, Beaumont School
20 – Ellesmere College
15 – Malvern
Solutions – Team Solving Solutions 1