Day 9 – WYCC (Round 7)

This entry is part 15 of 21 in the series WYCC2015

Today, is the 1st day of November – we are now over half way and the gruelling schedule of 11 rounds is starting to tell with some players and families finding it tough going. Despite the food being excellent, the similarity of every meal is also starting to take its toll and the thoughts of home start to creep in.

However after breakfast, thoughts turn to opponents and games and the coaching kicks off with enthusiasm once more. All credit to our 6 coaches who have maintained an exemplary record of keeping on time both during their coaching sessions and when analysis kicks off at 5.30pm. Indeed today, we had 4 of our coaches in the team room without a player in sight!

A somewhat mixed performance for our players today with some being disappointed with their results however it should be remembered that grades can often be misleading at these events with many of our players facing vastly under-rated opponents. However despite this, we still scored another 11/24 (a credit to the aspirations of the team that we were perhaps hoping for more).

There were individual wins for Koby, Anantha, Aditya, Ranesh,  Savin, Louise, Akshaya & Nilomi. Akshaya is once again the leading point scorer for the England Team with 5/7 in the U14 Girls section.

However credit should also go to the whole team – after 7 rounds we are extremely close to an overall 50% achievement – for those who actually know how tough this event is, that is no small feat and we have been tenaciously consistent in every round.

Come on Team England – let’s aim high for the last 4 rounds!

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