EU Youth – weekend round-up

This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series EU Youth 2013

The event has continued over the weekend (no rest days) with last week’s sunshine being replaced by a constant drizzle. The last day of sunshine saw the organisers hold a 5 hour hike to the top of the mountain, only Natalia (Boris mum) tackled this one, all the boys opting for an extra coaching season instead, before play commenced.

Friday (Round 3) saw an excellent win by Boris to move to 2/3 and then on Sunday in Round 5, we had what seems to become the inevitable in these competitions, the Eng v Eng pairing, although on different score groups. This was played out by both players and was settled as a peaceful draw.

Monday has started well for the party with coach Chris Howell starting as 7th seed finishing 2nd in the trainers and junior blitz, with 7/9 just half a point behind the Czech 2400 coach in first place. Both our U10 boys competed, beating some higher rated and older opponents.

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