EYCC – Day Four report

This entry is part 8 of 14 in the series EYCC2016

Round 4 saw the delegation score 14.5/28.  To be on the 50% mark by day 4 is very encouraging. The win of the day was Alex Golding where, in a king and pawn game, Alex’s king marched to meet his opponents king through a maze of pawns, a real beauty.  Nishchal Thatte continues to lead the team with a perfect score and will again be on a live board today in the under 8 section.

Ranesh Ratnesan, Ezra Brass, Koby Kalavannan, Daniel Gallagher, Julia Volovich, Radha Ratnesan, Anisha Sawhney, Nilomi Desai, Arushi Ramaiya and Lauren Weaver all scored for England. FM Ravi Haria, Jonathan Pein and Thivyaa Rahulan all took a draw.

It has been tiring chess for the last 4 days and after today’s round we have a rest day. I will end on a positive note: with 14 of our players on 50% and above the team is highly motivated and are giving their best performances for England.

Please follow Nishchal and Koby on the live boards[below, Lara Barnes on duty at the EYCC]
Lara Barnes

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