The aim of the anti-bullying policy is to ensure that pupils learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone; it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Only when all issues of bullying are addressed will pupils be able to fully benefit from the opportunities available at junior chess clubs.
Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves. The three main types of bullying are:
– physical (hitting, kicking, theft)
– verbal (name calling, racist remarks)
– indirect (spreading rumours, excluding someone from social groups)
Pupils who are being bullied may show changes in behaviour, such as becoming shy and nervous, feigning illness, taking unusual absences or clinging to adults. There may be evidence of changes in work patterns, lacking concentration or truanting. Pupils must be encouraged to report bullying. Junior chess club’s teaching staff must be alert to the signs of bullying and act promptly and firmly against it.
The following steps may be taken when dealing with incidents:
• If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be dealt with immediately by the member of staff who has been approached.
• A clear account of the incident will be recorded and given to the adult running the club.
• The adult running the club will interview all concerned and will record the incident.
• Parents will be kept informed.
• Punitive measures will be used as appropriate and in consultation will all parties concerned
Pupils who have been bullied will be supported by:
• Being offered an immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with a member of staff of their choice.
• Staff reassurance.
• Offering continuous support.
• Restoring self-esteem and confidence
Pupils who have bullied will be helped by:
• Discussing what happened
• Discovering why the pupil became involved.
• Establishing the wrong doing and need to change.
• Informing parents or guardians to help change the attitude of the pupil
The following disciplinary steps can be taken:
• Official warnings to cease offending.
• Exclusion from chess club, either minor fixed-term exclusion, major fixed-term exclusion, permanent exclusion