English Seniors Championships 2024

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Congratulations to the new 2024 English Senior Champions

65+ IM Paul Littlewood (5½ points)
Women’s 65+ WGM Sheila Jackson (4 points)
50+ GM Peter Wells (6 points)
Women’s 50+ WIM Natasha Regan (3½ points)

Full results – https://www.englishchess.org.uk/english-seniors-2024-results/

Where to watch the gameshttps://www.englishchess.org.uk/english-seniors-2024-where-to-follow-the-games/

Event details
The English Seniors Championships takes place between Friday 24th May and Tuesday 28th May 2024 at the Holiday Inn Kenilworth-Warwick, 212 Abbey End, Kenilworth CV8 1ED

Over 50 – players must be aged 50 or over on 31st December 2024; Over 65 – players must be aged 65 or over on 31st December 2024. Players must be born in England or have lived in England for at least the preceding 12 months. In addition, if they have a FIDE registration, it must be ENG.

Tournament rules2024 English Seniors Tournament Rules

Both sections will be FIDE-rated and ECF-rated

Format and playing schedule
There will be two competitions – 50+ and 65+. The congress will have a total of seven rounds over five days at 90 mins with 30 second increment time control, with playing schedule as follows for each of the championships –
Friday – Round 1 – 16.00 – 20.00
Saturday – Round 2 – 10.00 – 14.00; Round 3 – 16.00 – 20.00
Sunday – Round 4 – 14.00 – 18.00
Monday – Round 5 – 10.00 – 14.00; Round 6 – 16.00 – 20.00
Tuesday – Round 7 – 11.00 – 15.00
Prizegiving following Round 7

Time control
All moves in 90 minutes plus 30 second increment per move from move 1

Entry fees
£70.00 (players must have Gold or Platinum ECF membership or pay a surcharge of £12)
WGM/GM/WIM/IM – free entry
Early Bird discount – entries received before 15th March will receive a £5.00 discount. No entries will be taken after 12.00 midday on Wednesday 22nd May.

Prizes – Over 50
1st – £500
2nd – £250
3rd – £100
Under 2000 prize – £100
Under 1800 prize – £100
50+ Senior Championship trophy for the winner
50+ Senior Women’s Championship trophy for the highest placed female player

Prizes – Over 65
– £500
2nd – £250
3rd – £100
Under 2000 Best Performance prize – £100
Under 1800 Best Performance prize – £100
65+ Senior Championship trophy for the winner
65+ Senior Women’s Championship trophy for the highest placed female player.
Please note – in both sections, performance prizes will be awarded based on best W-We for players within the specified rating category.

No player may win more than one prize. Unrated players cannot win a performance prize. In the event of a tie for first place in either section, the award of the championship trophy and the title of Over 50/Over 65 champion will be decided by a tie break as set out in the regulations.
Please note that place prize money will be divided equally amongst the players tied for that place. Prizes will be paid by BACS after the conclusion of the event.

Players may take half-point byes in any round apart from Round 7, and up to two half-point byes can be requested.

Only refreshments obtained at the hotel may be consumed on the premises.

Personal data collected will be handled according to the GDPR details accessible here [PDF]

Please email director.homechess@englishchess.org.uk
Chief Organiser – Nigel Towers
Chief Arbiter – Adrian Elwin

Seniors entrants list to datehere

The organiser reserves the right to refuse an entry for any reason. Players failing to arrive in the playing area within 30 minutes of the start for each round will be defaulted. Players whose opponents default will be offered a re-pairing if possible. Pairings will be made using the Swiss Manager program.
FIDE ratings used will be from the 1st May FIDE rating list. ECF ratings used will be from the May 2024 list. Players who are unrated must provide the organiser with details of their strength. For pairing purposes, the higher of the player’s FIDE and ECF rating will be used.

Accommodation for the event
Bed and breakfast rooms are available at the Holiday Inn Kenilworth. Entrants wishing to book room(s) for the event should contact the Holiday Inn direct by emailing sales@hi-kenilworth.com with their booking requirements. Players should let the booking office know that they will be taking part in the English Seniors Chess Championships to obtain the direct booking rate available for participants at the event.