Christmas Endgame Challenge

Endgame Challenge Rerun
Please note – entries are full for this event. Please complete this form to register your interest in an Endgame Challenge Rerun, which we are planning to schedule. We will then notify you when we have decided on a date and time.

The ECF is running a two-day Endgame Challenge with IM Lorin D’Costa (above right) and GM Keith Arkell (above left). The challenge will include a series of lectures on six endgames you really must know, and some practice tournaments to test your endgame skills with others taking part in the course/challenge.

29th – 30th December; £15.00 entry fee for the two days or £10.00 for one day.

The Endgame Challenge is in two parts —

Part 1 – Pawn, Knight and Bishop Endings
Part 2 – Minor piece, Rook and Queen Endings

Day 1 (2.00 – 5.00pm) 29th December
Coaching and practice tournaments – IM Lorin D’Costa with inputs from GM Keith Arkell

2.00pm – Welcome and Lecture 1 on pawn endings (to include the square, the opposition, shouldering, pawns on both sides, passed pawns, breakthrough, fortresses)
2.40pm – Practice pawn ending tournaments
3.20pm – Lecture 2 on minor piece endings; bishop and knight endings with and without pawns (same coloured bishops, opposite coloured bishops, knight and pawn endings, good knight v bad bishop, good bishop v bad knight)
4.00pm – Practice bishops and knight endgame tournaments
4.30pm – Studies/analysis of tournament endings

Simul 1 – GM Keith Arkell, starting at 7.00pm
Evening endgame simul

Day 2 (2.00-5.00pm) 30th December
Coaching and practice tournaments – IM Lorin D’Costa with inputs from GM Keith Arkell

2.00pm – Lecture 3 on rook endings (to include rook and pawn v rook, single rook and pawn endings, double rook and pawn endings)
2.45pm – Practice rook endgame tournaments (including Arkell’s Endings rook ending positions)
3.15pm – Lecture 4 on major piece endings (rooks and queens with pawns)
4.00pm – Practice rook and queen endgame tournaments (Arkell’s Endings rook and queen endgame ending positions)
4.30pm – Studies/analysis of tournament endings

Simul 2 – GM Keith Arkell, starting at 7.00pm
Evening endgame simul


All lectures will take place on Zoom, with Lorin sharing his screen and with attendees invited to input and ask questions to check their understanding of the endgame lessons.
Practice tournaments will be open to all attendees and will be played as short Arena tournaments on Lichess from set starting positions based on the endgame themes which have been presented. The starting positions will be a mix of must know theoretical positions, positions from famous endgames from chess history, and a selection of endgames from Arkell’s Endings. Entrants/attendees will be provided with a link to a Lichess Endgame Challenge Club which they should join in advance of the sessions. They will then be able to join the various Lichess tournaments. Players will be paired in Arena format for each tournament and should get the opportunity to play both sides of the set position.
We will have a short wash up on the tournaments highlighting some of the games played with inputs from Lorin and Keith at the end of each day.
The simuls will be played on Lichess on the two evenings and will be open to all entrants. GM Keith Arkell is planning to take as many games as possible through to an endgame position so that you will have the opportunity of testing your endgame knowledge and skills against one of the top endgame players in England and internationally.