This is just a friendly reminder that ECF will be charging game fee (£18 adult, £6 junior) to leagues and clubs who send in non-members’ results for rating. We expect to be doing this in July for 2021/22 results. However, if the player becomes a member by 30th June 2022 no game fee will be involved and the membership backdated to 1st September. This gives you or the non-member player the chance to access the benefits of membership and to avoid game fee.
Full details and small print can be found in Sections 3 and 4 at Note that the ECF does not seek game fee for players having played three games or fewer.
If you want to check someone’s current membership this can be done via the Organisers’ Area –, and if the player wants to take out ECF membership online then see Note in particular that juniors can get their first year of ECF membership FREE.
Of course you can contact or ring 01424 775222 in office hours (0930-1630) with any membership queries.
Finally, we are sometimes asked to charge the individual player(s) direct. That doesn’t work, I’m afraid; the league or club that sent in non-members’ results has the responsibility.
— Rob Willmoth, Director of Membership