The ECF Board will be presenting a paper at this October’s Annual General meeting of the English Chess Federation (ECF) setting out ways in which the present membership system could potentially be updated to provide a closer match between the membership fees that our members pay and the amount of chess that they play on the one hand, and the various services that they receive from the ECF on the other.
You can find the paper here: This paper builds on the ‘Thoughts on Membership Options’ paper that was presented at last April’s Council meeting; you can find that paper here:
Before the Annual General Meeting we would very much like to get our members’ opinions on the two options to be presented – namely: (a) which of the two options our members prefer; and (b) whether the option they prefer should replace the present membership arrangements.
You can find the feedback form here: The feedback we receive will be collated, published, and used as input to discussions at the Annual General Meeting. So your opinion is very important to us in terms of reaching the right decision, and we do hope that you will find time to read the paper and provide feedback on this important topic.
Please note that the deadline for replies has been extended to Sunday 24th September.