eNewsletter No. 30 – March 2019

Dear ECF Member

Welcome to the March edition of the ECF e-newsletter. In this edition Tim Wall reports on the Wolf Gambit and an ‘alarming’ experience at a Doncaster weekender. We also report on the sad and hopefully temporary venue problem of one of the country’s most famous clubs, Drunken Knights, who have been put in a difficult position by their pub hosts of 29 years. There is also a reminder to make your voice heard on the ECF grading recommendations and a call for Members’ reps for Platinum and Gold categories.

Best wishes, Mark Rivlin

Off the Wall
Tim Wall reports on an interesting weekend conference in Doncaster …

Make the grade and have your say
Please make your views heard on the ECF consultation document on a prospective new grading system. It only takes a few minutes – https://www.englishchess.org.uk/grading-consultation/

Your Fed needs you!
There is a vacancy for a Gold Members’ Representative, along with the existing Platinum Members’ Representative vacancy, with both posts lasting until July 31, 2019. Most work is concentrated around the two half-yearly meetings, with the ECF office providing administrative support for messages to and from Members. If you are interested please email Roger Emerson (for Gold rep enquiries) at regoldecf@gmail.com and Francis Bowers (for Platinum rep enquiries) at chessbower@aol.com

BCET awards – a message from the British Chess Educational Trust (BCET)
With funds provided by the generosity of the late Sir George Thomas (now administered by the British Chess Educational Trust), the BCET annually awards shields to schools which have shown outstanding achievements or enthusiasm in chess. Commencing in 1982, inscribed chess boards have been substituted for shields. Recommendations for awards should be forwarded (via the appropriate Union if in England, or via the national organisations for Scotland or Wales) to John Wickham, 55 Shakespeare Way, Taverham, Norwich, NR8 6SL Email j.r.wickham@btinternet.com by 31st May 2019

Hard cell
ECF Director of Chess in Prisons Carl Portman makes the long trip to HMP Channings Wood in Devon

Sooner rather than REYTA
The ECF is proud to have been shortlisted in the Remarkable East Yorkshire (REYTA) Awards 2019 in the Remarkable Tourism Category for last year’s highly successful British Chess Championships in Hull.  We are in good company with these other nominees – Beverley Puppet Festival; Tribfest Music Festival; Pride in Hull; Urban Legends: Northern Lights; Humber Street Sesh and Beverley Food Festival. More here —

World Team Championships
England have qualified for the world team championships for the first time since 1997. The competition runs until 13th March in Astana, Kazakhstan. England’s qualification was on the back of the excellent fifth-place result at last year’s Olympiad in Batumi. The England team is made up of Michael Adams, Luke McShane, David Howell and Gawain Jones. As we go to press England are third with a maximum 4/4 points after two rounds. You can follow the matches live on chess24.com

ECF Finance Council meeting
The 2019 Finance Council meeting will take place on the afternoon of 27th April in Birmingham. The prescribed business of the meeting includes presentation by the Board of the 2019/20 budget and the determination of fees and subscriptions for 2019/20.
 Other business can be included on the agenda if it is proposed by or on behalf of the Board or proposed by ‘the requisitionists’ as defined in Article 1.1 of the ECF’s Articles of Association (see below). In respect of motions to be proposed by the requisitionists, please note that —
 (a) the motion should be submitted to council.chair@englishchess.org.uk no later than 1.30 p.m. on Thursday 21st March; and
 (b) if the motion does not relate to the financial affairs of the ECF, it can only be included on the agenda with the consent of the President or the Chief Executive.
 ‘The requisitionists’ comprise any of the following full* members:
 (i) any Director;
(ii) the FIDE Delegate;
(iii) the Chair of a Standing Committee;
(iv) any two Trustees;
(v) any Representative Member of a Constituent Unit;
(vi) any two Representative Members of Counties;
(vii) any two Direct Members’ Representatives;
(viii) any two of a Trustee, a Representative Member of a County and a Direct Members’
 Representative; or
(ix) any five Individual** Members or Representative Members.
 * Full Members are Constituent Units, County Associations, Chess Leagues, Chess Congresses, Other Organisations, the Directors, the FIDE Delegate, the Chairs of the Standing Committees, the Trustees (of the Permanent Invested Fund), Patrons, the Past President and the Past Chief Executive
 ** Individual Members are any of the Full Members listed above: individual Direct Members do NOT qualify as requisitionists.

Best of British
Entry is now open for the British Chess Championships 2019 here –
A paper form can also be downloaded from https://www.britishchesschampionships.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/BCC-Entry-Form-2019.pdf

Monthly grading
There is still time to join the consultation on the ECF moving to monthly grading. The consultation is open until 15th March. Contribute here – https://www.englishchess.org.uk/grading-consultation/
More details on the proposals have been published here – https://www.englishchess.org.uk/monthly-grading-proposal/ and here –

Director of Junior Chess Alex Holowczak’s roundup
The ECF are inviting tender applications for the ECF Academy for the final two Academy weekends of 2019, and then going forward into 2020. More here — https://www.englishchess.org.uk/ecf-academy-tender/
Northern Junior Championship results here — https://www.englishchess.org.uk/northern-junior-championship-results/

Director of Women’s Chess Chris Fegan’s roundup
The big news this month is that the English Women’s Championship 2019 will now take part as part of a much bigger chess festival, which will be the English Chess Women’s Festival 2019. Detailed discussions concerning the line up of the festival are still underway but it is planned to include a special chess lecture, coaching sessions for women and girls of all ages and at least one simul. There will also be a civil reception sponsored by Hull which will include a BBQ and possible other out of door activity-weather permitting. The English Women’s Championship itself will include another major increase in prize money including special new prizes and details of these will be announced shortly …

Imperial’s measure
Imperial College won the British Universities Chess Association (BUCA) championship with a maximum 10 points from five matches. UCL 1 and Bristol 1 came second and third with LSE 1 coming fourth. All four qualify for the 2019 European Universities’ Championship in Budapest, Hungary, in July. More here — https://www.bucachess.org.uk/

4NCL Easter congresshttp://www.4ncl.co.uk/fide/information_easter19.htm

4NCL third weekendhttp://www.4ncl.co.uk/

In the fast fast Lane
IM Gary Lane with an excellent view of the DVD Closing Gambit by Alan Byron, which looks at the 1978 Karpov-Korchnoi world championship. More here —

ECF junior selection policy
Details of junior selection policy and events here  — https://www.englishchess.org.uk/Juniors/junior-selection-policy/

Knights forked
One of the country’s most famous and loved chess clubs, Drunken Knights, have had to pull out of the London Chess League for the remainder of the 2018-19 campaign due to The Plough pub in Bloomsbury being unable to continue their 29 years of free hosting. DK have three strong teams, one in Division 1 and 2 in Division 2. More here from the admirable Battersea Chess Club …

Chess Magazinethe March excerpt here

Richard Harris – https://www.ecforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=46&p=227575 and here – https://www.ecforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=10089
Simon Norton – https://www.ecforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=10095 and here – https://www.theguardian.com/education/2019/feb/22/simon-norton-obituary
John Drew – https://www.ecforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=10101
Anne Sunnucks-Mothersill – https://www.ecforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=10117