Glorney Cup teams announcement

The ECF was pleased to receive 242 applications to represent England’s two teams in the Glorney Cup this year, which will be held in Hull between 23-25 July. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to apply on behalf of their child.
After consultation with the selectors, the following teams have been selected, and their invitations have been accepted. Players are listed in ECF rating order from April 2024. The final board order will be determined later.
Under 18 (Glorney Cup)
England A
Rahul Babu; James Merriman; Dillan Duke; Kyle Pelling; Aaron Rich
England B (Under 16)
Jack Liu; Ruben Evans; Austin Ivan; Sathya Vaidyanathan; Dominik Swiatkowski
Under 18 Girls (Gilbert Cup)
England A
Emily Maton; Anum Sheikh; Michelle Chan
England B (Under 14)
Mae Catabay; Sophie Mehta; Julie Oh
Under 14 (Robinson Cup)
England A
Nayan Keats Rastogi; Zac Welling; Shriaansh Ganti; Aditya Mittal; Arnav Kumar; Daniel Meredith
England B (Under 13)
Rock Yu; Senith Gunarathne; Sithun De Silva; Conor Beattie; Yiwen Ding; Edward Chu
Under 12 (Stokes Cup)
England A
Adithya Vaidyanathan; George Zhao; Srivathsan Sasikumar; Rezin Catabay; Ramsey Dairi; Arthur Kendall
England B (Under 10)
Junyi Zhang; Ayan Pradhan; Junyan Hu; Krish Keshari; Aarav Sai Katukuri; Adamjeet Singh