RIP Michael John Passmore

Mike Passmore died on 21st April at the age of 83.  He had been a member of Downend and Fishponds  Chess Club since 1958 and soon became one of their top players and, therefore, also one of the leading players in Bristol.

As well as spells as President and Secretary of his club, Mike also acted as Tournaments Organiser for the Bristol League and Assistant Match Captain for Gloucestershire, where he looked after the Bristol half of the team. He became well known throughout the counties of the West of England as a regular Gloucestershire player starting from the 1960s.

From the wealth of tributes that have come in, we realise the regard and respect that he had from everyone with whom he came into contact. Sportsmanship, kindness and generosity are watchwords that keep appearing. Mike was utterly loyal to his club throughout more than six decades and utterly reliable both as a chess player and, especially, as a gentleman.

He always smiled whatever the result and it was especially pleasing that he won his final league game just two weeks before he died.

— Ian Pickup