Organised by the British Chess Problem Society. Entry to this competition sponsored by Winton is by solving the starter problem below.
White, playing up the board, is to play and force mate in two moves against any Black defence.
There is no entry fee, and the competition is open to British residents only. Competitors need only send White’s first move, known as the key move. Entries can be made in one of two ways –
- By post to Nigel Dennis, Boundary House, 230 Greys Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 1QY
- By email to
All entries must be postmarked or emailed no later than 31st July 2024 and must give the entrant’s name and home address. Juniors under the age of 18 on 31st August 2023 must give their date of birth. All entrants should mention where they first saw the starter problem. Receipt of the solution to the starter will only be acknowledged after the closing date, when all competitors will receive the answer, and those who get it right will also receive the postal round, which will contain 8 more difficult and varied problems.
In due course the best competitors and the best juniors from the postal round will be invited to the final in February 2025. The exact date and location will be advised. The prize money in the final is likely to be around £2,500. The winner of the final will win the right to represent Great Britain at the World Chess Solving hampionships 2025.