IBCA World Individual Chess – final scores and thoughts from Owen Phillips

The medallists were —
Gold and World Champion GM Marcin Tazbir (Poland) 8/9!
Silver and a good defence of his title IM Predrag Nikac (Montenegro) 7.5/9
Bronze on tie break FM Alexey Streltsov (Israel) 6.5/9
Others on 6.5 were Kuralbay (UZB), Kolpakov (UKR), Jandric (SRB), Bibikov (KAZ) and Adiyaman (GER)
Six players followed on 6/9, including three IMs and an FM underlining the strength of the competition!

In the last round Gary had a good draw with his extra Black against the vastly experienced Lithuanian Anatolijus Nivikovas; he finished on 4/9, 59th out of 82 players. For a player in his first international event this was very good, let alone for a player who has only been playing the King of Games for just over one year, and despite a win in round eight escaping him ‘Houdini style’!

I hope you have enjoyed the reports as much as we enjoyed the chess and Rhodes! Photos from the closing ceremony will be available in due course on https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=chessingreece&set=a.802210368367921

Owen Phillips, ECF Manager of Accessible Chess