International KPIs

Reports Budget Plan KPIs
Rolls of Honour – INDIVIDUAL | TEAM
Selection Policy 2023

KPIs 2019

As part of the preparations for the ECF Strategic Plan put to Council and agreed in October 2018, I prepared some KPIs for the next 2 years. I will regularly update the progress against plan on the ECF website

To add 2 more GMs by September 2019
Status: Part Achieved – Daniel Fernandez has the title and David Eggleston has qualified subject to rating.

To add 4 more IMs by September 2019
Status: Over Achieved – Brandon Clarke, Andrew Horton, Ravi Haria, Joseph McPhilipps Matthew Wadsworth, John Pigott Alan Merry.

To have a second English player achieve a rating of over 2700 and maintain that rating
Status: Part Achieved – but we could do even better. David Howell has gone over 2700 a couple of times and is currently 2701 but we now have Gawain Jones and Luke McShane very close as well as Matthew Sadler.

To secure another player over 2600 and playing actively to bolster the international team
Status: Not achieved – our players ranked 7-20 in England are insufficiently active and are unable to focus only on playing chess. There are too few opportunities in the UK, something I would like to address. Jonathan Hawkins has reached 2592 but is currently 2563

To maintain or improve our position of 12th in the world rankings
Status: Achieved – we are still 12th based on the top 10.

To perform to our seeding or better at Olympiads and 2019 European Team Championships while accepting final placings can depend disproportionately on the last round results
Status: Massively over-achieved – Olympiad Baku 2016 was pretty good, European Ch Crete 2017 floundered on the last round but the 2018 Olympiad result at Batumi was 5th    which was our best result since 1990 and led to an invitation to the World Teams at Astana in March 2109 where we took silver ahead of China and India and behind Russia. This was our best-ever result in this competition to which we had not even qualified since 1997.

To field as many players as possible in the European Individual Championship and qualify a player into the FIDE World Cup on a basis other than rating
Status: Over achieved – the ECF supported Luke McShane and Gawain Jones at last year’s 2018 EICC and they both qualified for the World Cup.

To improve our women’s squad to get to a rating average of 2300 over the top 6 and always field a team of average > 2250 in international competition
Status: Some progress – and hopeful of fielding our strongest team for many years at Batumi European Ch in 2019.

To qualify one more English player for the WIM title
Status: Not achieved

To run 3 x English Women’s Championships
Status: Responsibility for this has been passed to Chris Fegan Director of Women’s Chess and last year’s event was a great success with a record entry.

To assist and promote at least 2 more annual FIDE rated events with norm possibilities not in London annually
Status: Achieved – funds have been allocated to support the Northumbria Masters and the 4NCL tournament in Hull this Autumn both of which will offer norm possibilities.

To secure sponsors for the England Team and British Chess Championships and for Elite Development
Status: Part achieved and ongoing – the funds raised in 2016 from Jupiter Asset Management have all been used. Sponsorship and donations of around £10,000 were raised for the Olympiad and the recent success at the World Teams was 90% funded by donations.

To fund training for the most promising players who reach 21 years old
Status: Part achieved – I have allocated a small amount for this and will disburse in the summer to selected norm aspirants

To fund training for development of the Elite Squad defined as players over 2600
Status: Part achieved, more needed – we have regular support from a top openings analyst for teams and some work with Artur Yusupov has been funded. Of course it’s always possible to do more but this will have to be funded outside of ECF budgets.

To add 300 English players to the FIDE rating list
Status: I am preparing data.

To secure sponsors or to fund teams in the senior representative competition
Achieved in 2018: My thanks to Stewart Reuben for his work and success with this.

To secure medals in individual and senior international representative events
Status: Over-achieved – Luke McShane took silver in the European Blitz championship 2018; England won the silver in the World Senior Teams in 2018; England won the silver medals and three individual medals at the World Team Championships at Astana in 2019.

To convince the organisers of key international tournaments which operate under the ECF banner of the value of providing an appropriate number of invitations for leading English professional and junior players
Status: Some success but could do better. The Isle of Man Open have been very helpful.

To cooperate with the Junior Directorate in identifying young players who have reached a level which suggests that they may be able to break into the elite 2600+ squad in the future and ensure that they are able to receive a level of coaching commensurate with that ambition
Status: I have joined the Accelerator Selection Committee and work with Peter Wells, Alex Holowczak (ECF Junior Director) David Howell and Sarah Longson on selection for international events. We seek to identify more talented juniors who can we can put into the Accelerator Programme.

— Malcolm Pein, Director of International Chess
[last updated 5/4/19]