Caplin British Online Championships

Home Events (finals) Events (qualifiers) Prizes
Players’ Guide Entrants (finals) Entrants (qualifiers) Commentary

The events are open to exempted players or qualifiers from the qualifying events except where events are indicated as open to all (subject to eligibility).

Championship Finals

Standardplay – Monday 21st December – 3rd January 2021 – 9 rounds Final – Rounds 1-7 beginning each day at 7.00 pm; Rounds 8 and 9 (Saturday 2nd January and Sunday 3rd January) beginning at 4.00 pm. All moves in 60 minutes with 15 seconds increment per move.
Rapidplay – Saturday 2nd January – 7 rounds Final beginning at 10.00 am. All moves in 10 minutes with 5 seconds increment per move.
Blitz – Wednesday 30th December – 9 rounds Final beginning at 1.00 pm. All moves in 3 minutes with 2 seconds increment per move.
Bullet – Saturday 2nd January – 15 rounds Final beginning at 7-00 pm. All moves in 1 minute with no increments.

65+ (born 1955 or earlier) | 50+ (born 1970 or earlier)
Standardplay – One tournament per age category – Monday 21st December – Wednesday 30th December – 7 rounds Final beginning each day at 4.00 pm. All moves in 45 minutes with 15 seconds increment per move.
Rapidplay – One tournament per age category – Sunday 3rd January – 7 rounds Final beginning at 10.00 am. All moves in 10 minutes with 5 seconds increment per move.

– Monday 21st December – Wednesday 30th December – 7 rounds Final beginning each day at 1.00 pm. All moves in 45 minutes with 15 seconds increment per move.
Rapidplay – Sunday 3rd January – 7 rounds Final beginning at 10.00 am. All moves in 10 minutes with 5 seconds increment per move.
Blitz – Wednesday 30th December – 9 rounds Final beginning at 7.00 pm. All moves in 3 minutes with 2 seconds increment per move.

UNDER 18 (born 2002 or later); UNDER 16 (born 2004 or later); UNDER 14 (born 2006 or later); UNDER 12 (born 2008 or later); UNDER 10 (born 2010 or later); UNDER 8 (born 2012 or later)
Standardplay – One tournament per age category – Sunday 27th December – Wednesday 30th December – 7 rounds Final beginning each day at 10.00am (rounds 2, 4, 6) and 4.00 pm (rounds 1, 3, 5, 7). All moves in 45 minutes with 15 seconds increment per move.
Rapidplay – One tournament per age category – Sunday 20th December – 7 rounds Final beginning at 4.00 pm. All moves in 10 minutes with 5 seconds increment per move.
Blitz – One tournament per age category – Saturday 2nd January – 9 rounds Final beginning at 7.00 pm. All moves in 3 minutes with 2 seconds increment per move.
Bullet –  (Single Event with no Age Sections) – Sunday 3rd January – 15 rounds Final) beginning at 1.00 pm. All moves in 1 minute with no increments.

Other events

These events are open to all subject to general eligibility criteria.
Standardplay AM (entry deadline 1900 on Saturday 19th December – CLOSED for entries)
7 DAY AM Open Tournament (Major Open and U1700) – (7 Rounds) – Monday 21st December – Wednesday 30th December  – 10.00 am.
Standardplay PM (entry deadline 1900 on Saturday 19th December – CLOSED for entries)
7 DAY PM Open Tournament (U2000 and U1400) – (7 rounds) –  Monday 21st December – Wednesday 30th December  – 4.00 pm.
Rapidplay Evening (entry deadline 1900 on Saturday 19th December – CLOSED for entries)
7 DAY PM Open Rapid Tournament (Major Open, U2000, U1700 and U1400 – (7 Rounds) – Monday 21st December – Wednesday 30th December  – 7.00 pm.

GM Matthew Sadler and WIM Natasha Regan will be providing commentary for the finals on their Game Changer YouTube channel.

There will be a number of ‘Queen’s Gambit’ supporting events with details to be provided shortly including —
New Player Tournaments
New Player Coaching Sessions