Council Papers

ECF Annual General Meeting October 2013
This year’s AGM takes place at the Euston Square Hotel, London on the 12th October starting at 12.30 p.m.
C19 – Agenda
C19.3 – Voting Register
Please advise any queries to the Voting Register Officer by 10 October
C19.3 – Consolidated Voting Register with proxies @ 9 October
C19.5 – Minutes of the Finance Council Meeting of 13 April 2013

NB – points of accuracy will only be considered if these are notifed to the ECF Office by 10 October
C19.6.1.1 – Counties Championship Proposals held over
C19.6.1.2 – SCCU Counties Championship Proposals
C19.6.2 – Charitable Status survey results
C19.7.1 – President’s report
C19.7.2 – Non-executive Chairman’s report
C19.7.4.1 – Home Director’s report
C19.7.4.2 – Junior Director’s report
C19.7.4.3 – International Director’s report
C19.7.4.4 – Membership & Marketing Director’s report      
C19.7.4.5 – Non-Executive report
C19.7.5.1 – FIDE Delegate’s report
C19.7.5.2 – Chairman of the Governance Committee’s report
C19.7.5.3 – Chairman of the Finance Committee’s report
C19.7.5.4 – Sport & Recreation Alliance representative’s report
C19.9 – Amendments to Regulation No. 2
C19.10 – Amendments to the Articles to remove the post of Chairman
C19.11.1 – Roger Edwards election address
C19.11.1 – Andrew Paulson election address
C19.11.2 – Phil Ehr election address
C19.11.2 – Andrew Moore election address
C19.11.4 – David Eustace election address
C19.11.5 – Julian Clissold election address
C19.11.5 – Angus French election address
C19.11.5 – Sean Hewitt election address
C19.11.6.1 – Alex Holowczak election address
C19.11.6.2 – Lawrence Cooper election address
C19.11.6.3 – David Openshaw election address
C19.11.6.4 – David Thomas election address
C19.12 – Awards
C19.12 Addendum – BCET awards
C19.13.1 – Complaints procedure
C19.13.2 – Clarification on membership issue
C19.14 – Proposal on definition of “the requisitionists”
C19.17 – SCCU Proposal on Membership
C19.18 – Proposal for a Manager of Senior Chess

BCF AGM October 2013
C17 – Agenda
C17.2 – Voting Register

C17.3 – Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of 13 April 2013
C17.5 – Annual Report of the Management Board
C17.6.3(a) – John Robinson Youth Chess Trust accounts for the year ended 31 August 2012
C17.6.3(b) – Report by the Trustees of the John Robinson Youth Chess Trust

ECF Finance Council Meeting 2013
This year’s AGM takes place in the Ibis Hotel in Birmingham on the 13th April 2013 starting at 1.30pm
C18 – Agenda
C18.2 – Minutes of the October 2012 AGM
C18.3 – Voting Register
C18.3 – Consolidated Voting Register incorporating proxies
C18.4.1 – Charitable status update
C18.5 – Accounts for the Year ended 30th April 2012
C18.5 – Commentary on the Accounts
C18.6.1 – Membership Paper
C18.6.2 – Membership Scheme and Cheshire & North Wales
C18.7 – Report of the Chairman of the Finance Committee
C18.9.1 – Budget Report
C18.9.2 – Detailed Budget
C18.14 – Amendment to the Game Fee Bye Laws
C18.15 – International teams
C18.16 – Complaints procedure
C18.17 – A Discussion of the Counties Championship Rule Change Proposals

BCF EGM April 2013
C16 – Agenda
C16.2 – Voting Register
C16.3.1 – October 2012 Minutes of AGM
C16.3.2 – January 2013 Minutes of EGM
C16.5.1 – draft BCF accounts for the year ended 30 April 2011
C16.5.2 – draft BCF accounts for the year ended 30 April 2012

BCF EGM January 2013
A BCF Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on Saturday 12 January 2013, starting at 1.00 p.m., with the main purpose being the extension of the Permanent Invested Fund trust deed. The meeting will be held at the Daventry Court Hotel, Sedgemoor Way, Northamptonshire, Daventry NN11 0SG, where Division 3 South of the 4NCL is taking place that weekend
C15 – Agenda
C15.2 – Voting Register
C15.3 – Paper on the PIF