Council Papers

ECF AGM October 2012
This year’s AGM takes place in the Ibis Hotel in Birmingham on the 13th October 2012 starting at 1.30pm
C17 – AGM Agenda
C17.3 – Voting Register
C17.3 – Consolidated Voting Register with proxies
C17.3 – Voting Register Amendments
C17.5 – April 2012 Finance Council Draft Minutes
Any comments on the draft should be submitted to minutes secretary David Eustace here
C17.7.2 – CEO’s Report 2012
C17.7.4.2 – Statement on the Accounts
C17.7.5 – Achievement Report
C17.7.6.1 – Home Chess report
C17.7.6.2 – Junior Director’s Report
C17.7.6.3 – 2012 International Director’s Report
C17.7.6.4 – Marketing Report
C17.7.7.1 – FIDE Delegate’s Report
C17.7.7.2 – Governance Chairman’s report
C17.7.7.3 – Finance Chairmans Report
C17.7.7.4 – Report of the ECF Sport and Recreation Alliance Representative 2012
C17.9 – Changes to Regulation No. 2
C17.11 – Motion on Roger Edwards Election Address
C17.12.1 – Roger Edwards Election Address
C17.12.4 – Chris Mattos Election Address
C17.12.5 – Sean Hewitt Election Address
C17.12.6.1 – Alex Holowczak Election Address
C17.12.7.1 – Nigel Short Election Address
C17.12.7.1 – Rupert Jones Election Address
C17.13 – ECF Awards 2012
C17.14 – Strategic Plan
C17.15 – Summary of Responses on Consultations
C17.16 – Change to Financial Year End
C17.17 – Proposal re Standards
C17.18 – Charitable Status
C17.19 – Proposed Changes to Articles and Bye Laws
C17.20 – Grading Proposal

The following documents are the amended Articles and Bye Laws as revised following the Charity Commission’s feedback.  As indicated in C17.18 these have been included for information only with the AGM papers.  Council is NOT being asked to agree these at this time.
ECF Memorandum and Articles amended for charitable status
Bye Law No 1 Revised
Bye Law No 2 Revised
Bye Law No 3 Revised
Bye Law No 4 Revised

BCF AGM October 2012
C14 – Oct 2012 agenda
C14.2 – Voting Register
C14.2 – October 2011 AGM Minutes
C14.6.3 – Chess Centre Ltd 2011 Accounts
C14.6.4 – John Robinson Trust 2011 Accounts
C14.6.4 – John Robinson Trust Report

ECF August 2012 Written Resolution
ECF August 2012 Written Resolution paper
ECF Revised Budget 2012/13
Commentary on 2012/13 ECF Budget
Voting Register for August 2012 Written Resolution
The resolution was carried by 123 votes to 9

ECF Finance Council Meeting 2012
This year’s Finance Council Meeting takes place in the Euston Square Hotel, 152-156 North Gower Street, London NW1 2LU Tel: 020 7388 0099 on the 14th April 2012 starting at 1.30pm
C16 – Agenda
C16.2.4 – Voting register – updated 11/04/2012
C16.3 – AGM Minutes October 2011
C16.5 – Chief Executive Officer’s report
C16.6 – FIDE Delegate’s report
C16.7 – ECF accounts 2010-11
C16.7B – Statement by the Finance Director
C16.8 – Report of the Chairman of the Finance Committee
C16.10 – Business Plan 2012
C16.11 – Budget Report
C16.11B – Funding calculations
C16.11C – Detailed 2012-13 budget
C16.11D – British Championships forecast recast (as tabled at the meeting)
C16.12 – Membership rates proposals – (V2 incorporating three-year membership rates)
C16.14 – Game Fee Rates proposals
C16.16 – Charitable Status
C16.17 – Governance
C16.18 – Financial Capital
C16.19 – Changing the ECF’s accounting year
C16.20 – Codes of Conduct
C16.21 – Junior ECF Membership
C16.22 – County Championship Rules Redraft
C16.22B – County Championship Rules Redraft note

BCF Extraordinary Council Meeting April 2012
This will take place during an interval in the ECF Finance Council meeting (above)
C13 – Agenda
C13.2 – Voting register
Item 4 on the agenda will consider the BCF implications of the financial capital consultation paper, which is available as a download under the ECF papers as C16.18

ECF January 2012 Written Resolution
Covering Note – John Philpott
2011 Accounts Draft
Covering Paper on the ECF Accounts – Gareth Caller
Voting Register for the Written Resolution
The resolution was carried by 152 votes to 1